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Diagnostic softwares

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ExpertALERT™ automated vibration diagnostic software


ExpertALERT™ provides critical machinery health information in addition to vibration data, by rapidly screening vibration measurements and applying over 6000 unique rules to identify over 1200 individual faults in a wide variety of machine types.  

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Key Features

  •          Automated analysis with 6000 unique rules and 1200 fault types
  •          English or Hungarian language softwre and reports
  •          Single Axis, Triaxial, Double-Triax, Demodulation Spectrums
  •          3D Waterfall diagrams
  •          Automated Peak Locator
  •          Automated bearing fault detection
  •          Automated Order identification
  •          Fault frequency calculation mechanism
  •          Sideband markers
  •          Cepstrum analysis
  •          Demod Spectrum analysis
  •          Impact Demod
  •          Crest Factor Analysis
  •          Orbits, filtered orbits
  •          Bearing database (with more than 75 000 bearings)
  •          Motor database (with more than 15 000 motors)
  •          Phase diagramm
  •          Bode plots
  •          Nyquist plots
  •          Automated normalisation
  •          Process parameters (temperature, preassure, speed, etc.)
  •          Zoom


Reliability and Accuracy above all

  •          99% reliabilty in excluding foults,
  •          96% accuracy to diagnose what is the fault,
  •          89% accuraccy to determin the fault severity

Azima’s sophisticated rulebase methodology extends beyond simple monitoring of alarms on peaks or spectral bands. Our test-point variation feature captures and compares complex patterns detected from the entire set of locations on your machine. By adding this machine- specific baseline data to the database, ALERTTM becomes a highly accurate, automated diagnostic system.

One analyst sotfware to all machines

Instead of overwhelming you with data that is di cult to interpret, ExpertALERT provides fast and accurate screening that will lead to better diagnostic results. TRIO X-series data collectors include embedded ExpertALERT software. The desctop version is also available to recieve data from portable devices (TRIO series) and online system as well. You don’t need to buy another analyst software to offline and online system.